We Deserve the Truth...

Covering up wrong doing is the swamp. If President Trump truly wants to drain the swam, we need a full and fair trial in the senate and he must testify under oath. We need John Bolton and Mick Mulvaney to testify as witnesses under oath. Just obstructing this process by refusing to cooperate is not “draining the swamp.” Obstruction, obfuscation, and distraction are the tools of a cover up by the very swamp he proclaimed he would drain.

Don’t believe that just because the swamp works in what you think is your political best interest now that it will always be that way. Look beyond what feels good in the moment and see that if this is being covered up, what else might be. President Trump says, don’t believe what you are seeing, reading, and hearing. As American’s it is our duty to question the powerful whomever they may be. Even if you trust President Trump and his administration, you must approach it with from a stance of trust, but verify.

We create our world. Our beliefs become our reality. However, that does not control other people. No amount of belief on your part will change the nature of another person. They must operate under their own beliefs. Beliefs of others are not typically discernible without truthful and in-depth communication while also taking into consideration their actions. We can not say for certain what actions an individual may take in the future, but we can attempt to guess based on what we’ve come to know about that persons beliefs.

President Trump has based his entire political identity on creating enemies. He has cast anyone who opposes him as a villain of the worst kind. He has used the fears of his supporters to drive further support in a cynical attempt to solidify his base for many years. His beliefs are sometimes apparent based on how he chooses to communicate and about what, but it’s difficult to know the truth, especially with someone like him.

Do we owe the President or any elected politician the benefit of the doubt? Only if we always doubt their motives regardless of what party they say they belong to. Doubt is healthy, doubting they have negative motives, doubting they are villains, doubting their truthfulness. However, we must then be willing to seek the details to fill in the doubt. We must educate ourselves with the facts to ensure we have the proper knowledge to remain informed and remove the doubts that must be removed.

Some may doubt President Trump did anything wrong. Others may doubt that it is a removable offense. Some may doubt that he honestly wanted to be certain the new Ukrainian government was not corrupt. Others may doubt he was not primarily motivated by a desire to create black propaganda about political rivals. There’s doubts across the spectrum and the only way to resolve them is through a fair and honest trial.

Freedom is not free. If we value our freedom, we must demand a full, fair, and honest trial that transparently displays the full accurate details of the events under investigation. It is the duty of Congress to act as a check on the powers of the presidency.

If not now, when?

Stay Safe Out There!
