It Starts Today

Have you ever felt powerless to affect the world in a positive way? Have you been frustrated with the leaders that keep rising to the top? Have you wondered why everyone else seems to see things completely different?

I know I have. It makes me frustrated and I feel alone. That feeling of powerlessness leads to anger and resentment. It makes me think, I could wallow in this feeling forever mired in the bad stuff. Taking it out on everyone around me and turning my reality even worse with every passing day. It’s a dark place and in that place nothing seems good, nothing feels right. I’ve been in that place, so deep I couldn’t see the light for a while. It was there though, I just needed to change my perspective.

It’s time to stop focusing on what we don’t want and start focusing on what we do want. The world won’t get better until our country gets better and our country won’t get better until each of us gets better. It starts with each of us focusing on what we can do to affect our local world positively. Sometimes it’s challenging to know where to start, so let me offer this; start at home, with you family, your pets, yourself.

What’s something you’ve been wanting to change in your life, but have not found the courage or motivation to change? Why did you want to change it in the first place? If you made this change today how would you feel about yourself? What will it cost you to make the change? What will it cost you if you don't make the change?

You are what you consume. If you’re constantly consuming outrage and anger driven content, you will always have that outrage and anger flowing through you. Be kind to yourself and find content that fills you with joy and lifts your spirits.

Stay Safe Out There,
